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aastal loodud Tartu Ülikooli geograafia eriala tudengite organisatsioon. Algselt tegutses EGEA-Tartu hoopis TÜNGKi ehk Tartu Ülikooli Noorgeograafide Klubi nime all. Peatselt aga võeti kasutusse nimi EGEA, mis tuleneb üle-euroopalise organisatsiooni. Rohkem saad rahvusvahelisest EGEAst lugeda siit. Seega, kui tahad ka rohkem olla.
European Geography Association - for Students and Young Geographers. See the list of entities. We welcome you to participate in unique geography-themed activities throughout the year. Our events, such as congresses, exchanges, seminars, training events, expeditions, and excursions offer complementary and alternative learning opportunities to formal education. Combine scientific and recreational content, and discover your potential! .
Newsletter Il Sole 24 Ore. Indagine sulla qualità dei call center. Porta un amico in Egea. Servizi ambientali e raccolta rifiuti.
Merci à Charles pour ses précieux. Oui Cinq-centième billet publié! .